Healthy “Testosterone” Diet For Programmer/Software Engineer

Sofyan Hadi Ahmad
5 min readDec 30, 2019


As you may already know, a programmer is not the healthiest profession. Most of the time, programmers are spending most of their time in front of the monitor, sit for hours with the deadline coming right above the cubicle. This will take its toll on the mind and body. Sedentary life like this will surely affect a programer’s testosterone level. Testosterone is not only important for sex hormones, but also regulates fertility, muscle mass, fat distribution, and red blood cell production. When levels of testosterone drop below levels that are healthy, they can lead to conditions like hypogonadism or infertility.

Testosterone Benefits

In my experience testosterone is really important to increase my creativity and general well being. When I have a relatively high testosterone level, it has resulted in me personally for my social life for my professional life and of course my sex life. Here is some benefit of testosterone for everyone, especially for programmers whos need to use the left and right brain extensively.

  • Testosterone is a potential brain enhancer. In fact, researchers have actually found a linear relationship between memory loss and Testosterone levels causing many people to believe lower testosterone focuses on decaying brain tissue in the elderly Male. Not only that but a study conducted at the University of Hong Kong in 2010 found a promising relationship with Alzheimer’s testosterone and even dementia. You might think that this is a long and interesting list of benefits, but there are actually many More than convincing your bones to improve recovery and even repair as possible heart health.
  • Research has shown that increasing testosterone levels is effective in reducing depression. Higher testosterone is proven to combat depression and low testosterone is highly correlated with the symptoms of anxiety while researchers aren’t sure if low testosterone actually causes depression or is caused by it.
  • Researchers also prove that testosterone has been shown to increase competitiveness in taking risks and driving. This means that you might not only win because you are using testosterone but you too more challenging wants to play in the first place where they challenge in your personal life
    or your professional life. Higher testosterone can give you encouragement and struggle to get out and achieve your dreams.


One of the best ways you can improve hormonal balance and optimize for more testosterone is to gravitate towards a healthy body composition with a low body fat percentage. Not to mention all of the other health benefits for staying trim.

  • Water. Studies have shown that even slight dehydration can harm the endocrine systems performance so make sure you’re drinking lots and lots of pure clean water throughout the day.
  • A healthy amount of fats. Think about your Paleolithic hunter-gatherer ancestors. Isn’t it logical that the members of the tribe with higher testosterone got the first crack at the spoils of the hunt that they got to eat their heart’s content while the others hope that there was enough
    left around It’s for this reason that I always say if you want the hormonal profile of an alpha start by eating like one? This means not just eating enough but eating the right things too. Let’s break this down a little bit by talking about the most energy-dense macronutrient fats. Well, it turns out that a diet rich in fats is necessary for the production of testosterone in the body. You might think that this contradicts the fact that higher body fat lowers your testosterone. Eating, the right types of fats help your body burn fat as a rich source of energy in a process called Kito Genesis. It’s high in fats encouraging you to get most of your calories from healthy fat sources like nuts avocados fish and certain vegetable oils.
  • A healthy amount of protein. As a rule of thumb, it’s recommended to consume about 30 percent of your calories from protein. While it’s true that you definitely need a healthy amount of protein in your diet to facilitate testosterone production, it’s important to note that a lot of advice on protein is largely overstated. Studies have shown that the benefits of more protein diminish at about 0.8 grams per pound of lean body mass which even if you’re overweight is a far cry from the 2 grams per pound that some bodybuilding circles advocate when it comes to protein. One study was done by Anderson et al, a diet excessively high in protein can actually lead to decreased testosterone.
  • Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates have been under fire according to a lot of Paleo and Kitto advocates. The human body doesn’t need carbohydrates to function and may even perform better when forced to burn fat as a fuel source. Without a doubt, there are a number of benefits for the heart the brain the muscles and the waistline. When pursuing a ketogenic diet when it comes to testosterone However study after study has shown that a diet that is too low and carbohydrates can really cut your testosterone again by as much as 36 percent. The best place then to get your carbs is from cruciferous vegetable things like broccoli cauliflower cabbage Brussels, bok choy and so on.

You might be wondering how to synthesize all of this disparate and overwhelming advice. Fortunately for you, there is a diet out there that pretty much touches on all of these points, it’s called The Paleo Diet, advocated and popularized by leading authors like Dr. Lorraine Chlordane and Rob Wolfe. The Paleo Diet is one of the most popular and effective diets out there.
Also, make sure your diet has no processed foods no Frankenfoods no artificial sugars no gut harming grains like wheat or barley, or MSG.


There are not a lot of supplements that are safe ways to increase testosterone. Based on my little research, the following is the safest supplement that you should consider to take to increase your testosterone level:

  • Fish oil is a supplement for a lot of numerous reasons mainly because it is extremely high in omega 3 fatty acids and DHA. Beyond being anti-inflammatory and promoting brain health fish oil can also provide benefits to the endocrine system though it won’t dramatically boost testosterone it will, in fact, protect our testosterone molecules from binding to something called Sex Hormone binding globulin thereby increasing the amount of free testosterone in our bodies. Furthermore, fish oil has in fact been shown to increase Leutinizing hormone which can indirectly help our Lidice cells produce testosterone.
  • Vitamin D as you probably know Vitamin D is naturally produced by our bodies when we’re exposed to sunlight which is why it’s so important to spend at least a few minutes a day in the sunlight. But did you know that vitamin D supplementation can actually increase testosterone or that people who don't have exposure to sunlight may be critically deficient in vitamin D. There are few different studies that show adequate vitamin D levels are a critical component of testosterone and hormonal balance. Of course in the case of vitamin D, it is better to make your own from sunlight exposure.
  • Creatine monohydrate a naturally occurring chemical which increases the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate or ATP and has many advantages for the muscles and the mind for reasons I have been taking it for years. Creatine is an extremely safe supplement that improves muscle and brain performance and has been shown to increase testosterone by as much as 56 percent in just seven days. It’s pretty incredible.

